New: FREE PowerPoint With Report Purchase

Jan. 24, 2023 Marketdata LLC has added a new feature to make life easier for purchasers of its market & industry reports. Most 2021 and 2022 reports, and new ones published from here forward, will include a FREE, “done-for-you” PowerPoint presentation that covers the following: market/industry characteristics, growth drivers/demand factors, historical/forecasted $ size of the […]

$2 Billion U.S. Autism Treatment Market Poised for Growth – By John LaRosa

Dec. 14, 2020 There are 3.5 million children and adults with autism in America. The North American market for autism disorder and treatment is expected to grow over the next five years, due to a variety of factors: more widespread awareness of the condition, efforts by advocacy groups, an increase in the number of ABA […]