Marketdata tracks a variety of consumer personal care markets and industries, described below.

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These sectors are covered, scroll down for report descriptions, Table of Contents, Purchase

  • Autism Treatment Centers
  • Dating & Matchmaking Services
  • Funeral Homes Industry
  • Gigs & Side Hustles Market
  • Health Coaching Market
  • Holistic Institutes & Training Organizations
  • International Matchmaking Market
  • Meditation Services & Centers Market
  • Medical Spas Industry
  • Motivational Speaking Market
  • Nail Salons Industry
  • Personal Coaching Industry
  • Plus Size Market
  • Recreational Vehicles & RV Parks Industry
  • Scam Nation (book by John LaRosa, Marketdata President)
  • Self-improvement Market
  • Sleep Aids Market
  • Tattoo Studios & Tattoo Removal Industry


Category: medical spa, med spas, medspa

The U.S. Medical Spas Industry

$1,295 , Nov. 2023, 133 pages – 45 Tables & Charts

Report # FS40

This groundbreaking new report by Marketdata LLC examines the booming $17.5  billion business of medical spas (med spas). Industry revenues have more than tripled since 2012. There are now 8,800 medical spas operating in the United States—an interesting hybrid niche healthcare/cosmetic facility that straddles the medical and business fields. Many nurses and clinicians entering the field don’t have adequate business skills. That’s why they sell to private equity investors, who can handle marketing better.

As primary care MDs seek to replace lost income, and as Baby Boomers and Millennials age, demand is growing for non-invasive cosmetic procedures for women and men, made possible by new laser equipment.

This new study examines the med spas’ industry structure and history, revenues/growth, 13 major market trends and issues, effects of the pandemic, consumer demand factors and demographics, extensive med spa operating metrics, why franchising has grown so slowly, investment by private equity firms, and more. National $ revenues (2002-2022, with 2027 forecasts).

The following are new analyses, most not found elsewhere:

  • 2022 operating metrics
  • Market potential, by STATE
  • Market potential, by type of service (injectables, hair removal, etc.)
  • Financial/operations data from 2022 Company Franchise Disclosure Documents
  • Industry Profit & Loss Statement, profit margins
  • Esthetician, other staff salaries
  • Interviews with industry consultants
  • The top surgical & non-surgical cosmetic procedures, average costs.


Marketdata has performed a thorough search of data, member surveys, podcasts and articles from AMSPA, ISPA, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Assn., Medical Spa Physician Report and other sources to create the most comprehensive analysis of the industry to date.

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Report # FS54

$995 *June 2024 *71 pages

Tattoos and body art in the U.S. have soared in popularity lately, especially amongst Millennials and Gen Z, fueling an industry comprised of 11,600 tattoo studios. The industry is estimated to be worth $4.5 billion, and is growing strongly.  According to polls, 32% of American adults now have a tattoo, but some have regrets about getting them, thus opening up a new market—tattoo removal, which is driven by new laser equipment and technology. This is a fragmented market of local artists, but it can be quite lucrative, especially with multiple artists renting space and working for a studio.

This new Marketdata report covers the following topics: why demand exists, history and evolution of tattoo studios and the services they offer, typical operations/staff, separate analyses and $ size of the markets for: tattoo studios and tattoo removal services (2007-2023). Consumer demographics, forecasts for 2024 and 2030, tattoo studio operating ratios and profit margins, start-up costs, tattoo artist salaries (by state), number of tattoo studios and market receipts (by state), and competitor profiles.

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Category: self improvement, personal development

The Market for Self-Improvement Products & Services (13th Edition)       **Bestseller**     

The Only Analysis of This Market Available Worldwide! 

  Report # FS15

$995 , Sept. 2023, 322 pages – 54 Tables & Charts, 49 Competitor Profiles

The personal development market, like many others, took a hit in 2020 due to the pandemic and recession. However, the downturn was not steep, only 7%. The market has recovered since then and is robust, as operations return to normal and companies implement more virtual delivery of services. Several market segments have prospered, as Americans read more books, listened to more audiobooks and used more coaching services.

This Marketdata report is the ONLY comprehensive business analysis that exists of the self improvement market worldwide, since 1994.  This study examines the $13.4 billion market for “self improvement” or “personal growth” programs and products that seek to improve us physically, mentally, financially or spiritually.

Analysis of the market for: books, audiobooks, infomercials, motivational speakers, public seminars, workshops, holistic institutes, personal coaching, weight loss programs, apps, Internet courses, training organizations and more.  Nature of the business, $ value/growth and outlooks for each market segment. Major topic categories covered: weight loss/exercise, business/sales skills, business opportunities/investing, improving relationships, and general motivational. Includes the effects of the pandemic on all market segments.

The study analyzes market segments/industry structure, the market’s $ size/growth (2003-2027 forecast), latest trends, latest survey findings of trade associations (ICF Coaching, Audio Publishers, National Speakers Assn.), the shift to Internet delivery of content, customer demographics, 15 in-depth profiles of top motivational speakers (Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Phil McGraw, Brian Tracy, Suze Orman, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferriss, many others), top 100 infomercials list, and more.

Contains a chapter profiling the activities/products and revenues of the top motivational speakers, including 49 in-depth experts and company profiles: Nightingale-Conant, Hay House, Landmark Worldwide, Skillpath, National Seminars Group, Fred Pryor/CareerTrack,, Toastmasters, Dale Carnegie Associates, Franklin-Covey, Sandler Training, Omega Institute, Holistic Institutes, Robbins Research, The Chopra Center, Noom, Headspace, Calm, Internet program experts, more.

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The International Matchmaking Market: Finding Love, For A Price

 Report # FS93

$995 , July 2023, 86 Pages,  10  Competitor Profiles

Matchmakers are the traditional, off-line, personal touch professionals that help singles to find their soulmates, for a hefty fee. This profession is estimated to be worth $1.2 to $1.5 billion globally, with nearly 40% of the market located in the United States. This Marketdata study is the ONLY in-depth business analysis that covers the international matchmaking market. Data outside the U.S. is extremely rare.

Matchmaking is till primarily a mom & pop business, with lots of independent female operators, both in the U.S. and abroad. The market is easy to enter, requiring minimal investment and no licenses or certifications, as most matchmakers rely on intuition based on their personal experience in making matches.

The market has rebounded significantly in 2022, as the pandemic waned and as matchmakers shifted to a new mix of in-person and virtual services, embracing online technology more fully.

More matchmakers have entered the profession, seeing the potential benefits of being their own boss and working from home. The new, younger matchmakers that have entered the business  offer services at lower prices than the long-established, nationally known ones — opening up the potential market for younger clients such as Millennials and Gen Z.

Industry sources estimate that there are now 2,000+ professional matchmakers now operating in the United States, and Marketdata’s research finds that there are thousands more operating in China, Japan, South Korea, India and Europe.

The study examines: how matchmaking services operate—typical models/revenues/ fees/profits, market structure, typical fees, U.S. market size from 2005 to 2020, pandemic and recovery in 2021-2022, International outlook and market size by country, 2023 & 2027 Forecast, market trends and developments, user demographics, and 2021 operations survey results from the Matchmaking Institute (revenues, marketing, fees). Separate analyses for 13 national markets: U.S., Canada, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Switzerland (the singles population, $ market size, top competitors, nature of the market/cultural differences).

Includes competitor profiles for top matchmakers: Patti Stanger, Valenti Intl., Samantha Daniels, Bonnie Wills, Kelleher & Associates, Diane Bennett, Barbi Adler, Lisa Ronis, Kailen Rosenberg, and Leora Hoffman.

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Category: rv, recreational vehicles, rv dealership rv camper

U.S. Recreational Vehicles Industry: Manufacturers, Dealers, RV Parks

 Report # FS92

$1,295 , June 2023, 87 Pages, 30 Tables, 7  Competitor Profiles

This new Marketdata study examines the $48 billion U.S. recreational vehicles industry and its three components: RV Manufacturers, RV Retail Dealerships, and RV Parks & Campgrounds. The industry posted record revenues and shipments in 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic, as consumers sought ways to vacation safely. This was a major turning point and stimulus for the rv industry, as a new and younger demographic was introduced to the RV lifestyle.

However, this pace was not sustainable and RV shipments and sales (class a rv, class b rv, class c rv) began to decline in 2022. This decline continues into 2023, as RV prices and demand fall, but this is being mitigated as customers are now pursuing RV rentals, a used rv, and RV sharing. The industry is susceptible to boom and bust cycles, as recreational vehicles are discretionary purchases that can be postponed or cancelled. The outlook over the next four years is good, as RV parks grow in number.

This new analysis includes: dollar value & growth of the market from 1980s to 2020, 2021-2022 estimates, 2023 and 2027 outlook and forecasts, market structure, key economic operating metrics of RV producers, RV dealers and RV parks & campgrounds (top 50 market share, single vs. multi-unit firms, ratios by company size, establishment size, state market potentials), effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on operations and sales, customer demographics, major industry trends, and findings of industry surveys by the RVIA, Wiinebago, and other parties.

Contains in-depth competitor profiles and revenues of the largest players in the field: Thor Industries, Winnebago, Forest River Inc., Kamgrounds of America. Lazy Days, and Camping World Holdings.

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Category: autism, aba therapy, autism spectrum disorder, asd diagnosis, autism treatment, asperger syndrome


One of A Kind Study: First Ever Non-profit Centers Pandemic Revenue Analysis

Report # FS62

$1,395  * September 2022  *106 pages  * 15 Competitor Profiles

This Marketdata study examines the fragmented $4+ billion U.S. growth market comprised of for-profit and non-profit providers and national autistic society that serve autism patients via brick & mortar centers and in-home ABA therapy provided by therapists. There are waiting lists, significant untapped demand, and private equity investors are backing new ventures. Franchises are emerging.

The incidence of autism among American children has soared from 1 in 150 in 2000 to 1 in 44 today, and 6.8 million children and adults now live with autism spectrum disorder. Yet, few therapies exist to treat this disease—just a few medications and ABA therapy (applied behavioral analysis) programs.

This groundbreaking report includes: dollar value & growth of the market from 2009 to 2019, 2020, 2021 performance, 2022 and 2025 forecasts, market structure, key metrics of autism treatment centers, definition of and the types of autism, asd diagnosis, typical therapies used, how ABA programs work and key metrics, insurance coverage, patient demographics, analysis of the market for drugs to treat autism (Risperdal, new drugs in development), the latest CDC research and demographics on autism, market growth factors, economic costs, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on operations, analysis of for-profit vs. non-profit treatment centers, discussion of the role of private equity and recent deals, plus a ranking of the top for-profit treatment center chains and their revenues.

Includes a first-ever, comprehensive analysis by Marketdata of the 2018-2020 revenues of non-profit autism treatment centers/schools and how well they fared during the pandemic in 2020, based on IRS data in the non-profit database.

 Contains 15 in-depth competitor profiles and revenues of the largest players in the field: Autism Speaks, Centria Autism Services, The Center for Autism & Related Disorders, the May Institute, Butterfly Effects, Autism Learning Partners, Autism Spectrum Therapies, Chance Light Behavioral Health, Hopebridge, Trumpet Behavioral Health, Easter Seals, LEARN Behavioral, BlueSprig, Kadiant, and Success on the Spectrum, Hi-5 ABA.

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Most Detailed & Comprehensive Analysis Ever Performed

Report # FS61

$995  *October 2022  *79 pages  * 16 Competitor Profiles

Practicing meditation to reduce stress is becoming mainstream in America. Today, 36 million Americans meditate, fueling a $1.86 billion growth market comprised of meditation centers and yoga studios, books, DVDs, workshops, online courses, websites, apps and supplies. Like the yoga market, which has seen major growth in the past decade, meditation is experiencing growth as well. New apps such as Calm have brought the market into the mainstream.

This is a groundbreaking new Marketdata report that’s believed to be the most detailed and comprehensive analysis to date of the U.S. meditation market. The following topics are covered: why demand exists, market nature and structure of U.S. meditation studios/centers/retreats, the key companies and gurus in the market, customer demand and demographics, relationship with yoga studios, meditation center operations, for-profit vs. non-profit centers, effects of the 2020-2021 pandemic, market size and growth 2015 to 2019, 2022 & 2025 forecasts.

Analysis of these market segments: meditation studios/classes market, books/DVDs/CDs market, meditation apps & websites market, online courses market, corporate wellness programs market, and the supplies & accessories market. Includes custom non-profit meditation center revenue analysis: 2019 & 2020 average annual revenues, competitor profiles, findings of interviews with industry experts, and a list of resources for follow-up.

16 Competitor Profiles for: Kadampa Centers, Shambala Centers, TM (Transcendental Meditation) Centers, Calm, Headspace, Inscape, Unplug Meditation, Mindful, Mind Body Green, Spirit Rock, Art of Living, Hay House, Soundstrue, Gaia, Deepak Chopra, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Eckhart Tolle.

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Category: funeral homes, cremation services, funeral services

U.S. Funeral Homes, Cemeteries & Crematories Industry

Report # FS77

$1,295, July 2022, 100 pages – 35 Tables & Charts

The $20 billion U.S. funeral homes industry is a mature, low-growth and fragmented business comprised of mostly independent services. The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a record 3.4 million deaths and a record 1.9 million cremations, and the industry benefitted from the increase in 2020 and 2021. However, as more consumers opted for cremation services, and services shifted from in-person to virtual, the product mix changed, and top-line revenues were constrained.

As the price of funeral services climbs to $7,848, more people are opting for less costly cremation services (57% of all services now and rising steadily). This study is Marketdata’s 3rd edition investigation of the industry. It examines the industry’s nature and structure, major trends and issues, factors affecting demand and growth, pricing/profit margins, funeral homes operating ratios from the Census Bureau and trade groups, demographics/death rates, and industry receipts from 1985-2019 actual, 2020-2021 estimated, 2022 & 2025 forecasts. Separate analyses of funeral homes and cemeteries. Effects of the pandemic on growth and operations is included.

Contains results of surveys by government agencies, the leading trade associations and private sector organizations, brokerage firm analysts, etc. In-depth profiles of: Service Corp., Carriage Services, Park Lawn, StoneMor Corp., Matthews Intl., and Bates (Hillenbrand).

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Category: nail salons, nail shop, nail spa, nail studio

U.S. Nail Salons: An Industry Analysis

Report # FS74

$995, September 2021, 66 pages – 38 Tables & Charts

The U.S. nail salons industry, populated by nearly 28,000 small businesses, had been growing strongly through 2019, reaching a value of $8 billion (actually $17.3 billion when counting sole proprietor nail technicians not working in a retail facility). This growth came to a halt with the pandemic of 2020, which closed many nail shops for months. However, the industry is recovering as more Americans are vaccinated and nail shops re-open.

This new Marketdata report is a comprehensive business analysis covering the nature and operations of the nail salons business, services they provide (manicure and pedicure), key operating ratios/metrics, dollar size and growth of the industry from 2007 to 2025 Forecast, economic structure of the business (ratios: national, by state, by major city), analysis of franchising (profiles of top 10 franchisors), and more.

The effects of the pandemic are discussed, as well as the outlook for recovery in 2021, and a long-term forecast to 2025. The report also analyses the average yearly revenues for nail salons (for franchises and non-franchises), profitability (industry income statement), and how Asian immigrants built the industry in the 1970s, and the discrimination they faced. Report includes a directory of industry reports, trade associations and magazines.

Sources include U.S. Census Bureau surveys, County Business Patterns, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nails Magazine, Professional Beauty Association, and original Marketdata research.

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The U.S. Sleep Market: Sleep Labs, Bedding, CPAPs, Drugs & More

The Only Market Analysis of This Business Covering ALL Sleep Market Segments!

Report # FS34

$1,795, May 2021, 177 pages

Fully 58% of Americans are estimated to experience insomnia symptoms or sleep disorders. Companies across America are trying to sell us a perfect night’s sleep with medications, premium mattresses, high tech pillows, CPAP devices, white noise machines, smartphone apps, and more. All of this has become a $30 billion a year industry.

 Sleep labs were hit hard by the pandemic as they shifted to mostly at-home tests and telemedicine. However, the CPAPs market has grown strongly, along with OTC sleep aids/supplements and apps. The mattress and pillows market also held up well as consumers focused more on making their home more comfortable. The study has complete coverage of the pandemic’s effect on all market segments.

As obesity rates climb and Americans age, more people are developing sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Plus, stressors related to the 2020 election, the pandemic and recession are resulting in more sleepless nights for Americans. There are now an estimated 4,400 “sleep labs or centers” in the United States. These labs perform sleep studies and help design treatment programs for insomniacs and those with sleep apnea.

This Marketdata study examines the “sleep” market and all its segments, covering markets for: anti-insomnia drugs and OTC supplements, sleep labs/centers, mattresses and pillows, CPAPs (continuous positive airway pressure devices) for sleep apnea, and retail sleep aids: earplugs, sleep lamps, sound conditioning machines, eye masks, books on sleep). The report also includes extensive sleep lab metrics (patient volumes, bed counts, fees, more).

The study includes: $ market size/growth for 1995-2020, with 2021 and 2025 Forecasts, patient demographics, 16 in-depth competitor profiles, analysis of market nature & structure, history and evolution, reimbursement issues and the effect of Medicare rulings regarding home testing.

Company profiles for: ResMed, Respironics, SleepMed, Sleep Holdings, Foundation Surgery Affiliates, MedBridge Healthcare, Novasom, Tempur-Sealy, Sleep Number Co., Simmons-Serta, Casper,

Report is also sold by chapters –Call for prices

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Category:  personal development, motivational speaking, professional speaker, best motivational speakers, keynote speaking, top ten motivational speakers, Robbins motivational speaker


 Report # ML2

$995  *February 2020  *160 pages

Simply the most comprehensive business analysis that exists of the $1.9 billion motivational speaking market.  This Marketdata study examines the market for professional speakers and motivational speakers and products they have that seek to improve us physically, mentally, financially or spiritually.

These speakers not only get paid large sums for a speech but do coaching and consulting, have workshops and retreats, mastermind courses, online “universities, books, CDs/DVDs, podcasts and webinars. This report covers: nature of the business, how to become a motivational speaker, the role of speaker’s bureaus, marketing methods, speaker characteristics, fees, income and operations, the corporate training market, the activities/specialties/speaking fees and revenues of the top ten motivational speakers. Separate chapter covers the personal coaching market.

The study analyzes the market’s $ size/growth (2005-2025 forecast), the shift to Internet delivery of content, speaker demographics, and in-depth profiles of 36 top motivational speakers (Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Joel Osteen, Tim Ferris, Gary Vaynerchuk, Phil McGraw, Dr. Laura, Brian Tracy, Suze Orman, Tom Hopkins, Robert Kiyosaki, and many other male and female keynote speakers). An Overview is included, with an industry statistical snapshot and the opinions and outlook of industry experts.

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The Gigs & Side Hustles Economy: A Market Analysis

Report # FS66

$995, October 2018, 66 pages – 12 Competitor Profiles

This new Marketdata report examines the fast-growing “gig” economy—what it is, how it works, who the leaders are, and why it has grown. Gigs, or short-term, part-time jobs, have become a lot more popular among U.S. consumers, many of whom were hurt by the Great Recession and want to diversify their income streams. Technology has played a big part, as mobile apps and online platforms have made it much easier to connect with customers and get paid quickly.

The report examines: the evolution of gig work, pros and cons, major findings of recent studies by JP Morgan Chase, Fiverr, MetLife, Prudential, Bankrate, the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Freelancer’s Union, why demand has risen among young and older workers, average earnings, and profiles of leading gig work sectors (ride sharing, temporary staffing agencies, food delivery services, personal coaching, home rentals, freelancer platforms). Also: nature of the gig workforce, Millennials usage of gig work (top occupations/earnings/reasons why they prefer gigs), top 15 metro markets in the U.S., market size & forecasts: 2016-2022, plus a reference directory of additional information sources.

The report provides competitor profiles for: Airbnb, Uber, Lyft, Door Dash, Postmates, GrubHub, Instacart, Fiverr, Upwork, Udemy, Coursera, the personal coaching industry, temp help staffing industry, and more.

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Category: personal coaching, personal development, self development coach, wellness coaches, personal growth coach


 Report # FS64

$895  *April 2018  *82 pages

This Marketdata study examines the $1 billion market for personal coaching or personal growth coach services. This is a market with few barriers to entry and multiple organizations providing “certification”, for a fee. The number of personal coaches in the U.S. is growing, as consumers seek advice and motivation regarding career changes, life-work balance, dealing with changing technology, finance, relationships, health, and more. They may be seeking a life mentor, a spiritual coach, a performance coach, or an executive life coach.

The report discusses:  The nature and definition of the personal coaching business, its limitations and scope, image and credibility issues, why many coaches fail, market size (2006-2022 forecast), sensitivity to recessions, demand factors, results of the latest ICF industry studies (no. of coaches, personal coaches’ yearly earnings, fees charged, no. of clients, client profile, operating ratios, consumer awareness of coaches), list of major certifying bodies and trade journals, 10 best cities for personal coaches, and a comparison of U.S. vs. global personal coaching market. Also covers: major market issues and trends, Millennials’ use of personal coaching services, plus Profiles of 21 top personal coaches (with revenues when available).

The report includes an overview of the total personal development market, with opinions by leading market experts and competitors, trends, market segments and their $ values from 2003-2018 F (self-improvement books, audiobooks, motivational speakers, seminars, holistic institutes, online courses, training organizations, and weight loss programs).

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Category: health coaching, weight loss coach, certified health coach, health and wellness coach, integrative nutrition health coach


Report # FS65

$995  *January 2024  *90 pages

Health coaching has emerged as a $7.6 billion service market, with a strong growth outlook. An estimated 128,000 health coaches and health educators advise and motivate clients to change bad lifestyle habits and to manage chronic conditions such as diabetes. Consumers, employers and insurers are each now more seriously focused on improving health and being proactive, in light of the pandemic, rising obesity levels, and chronic health conditions.

You are most likely to find a certified health coach in private practice, at a healthcare insurer, or via a corporate wellness program. Large self-insured companies are using coaches to improve employee health and cut claims costs, as are healthcare insurers. However, like coaching in general, the industry is loosely defined and certification in many cases is performed by many competing organizations. However, national standards have been developed and CPT billing codes and reimbursement are on the near-term horizon.

This new report by Marketdata covers the following: market definition—types of  health coaches, what they do, where they work, their number, annual salaries, market structure, market size: 2000-2028 forecast, effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, profiles of the 8 major certification organizations, profiles of insurance company users (Aetna, Cigna, Humana, United Health Group), MD and Veterans Administration programs, demand factors and usage by consumers, findings of telephone interviews with key market influencers, list of the top health coaching apps, and the industry’s major issues, obstacles and growth drivers. Includes list of 75 approved certification training programs.

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Report # FS58

$995  *August 2016  *93 pages

This is a new analysis of an untapped and emerging niche market – the “plus size” market. Aimed at overweight and obese persons, mostly women, this is now a $21.5 billion market, 95% of which consists of clothing. However, large people need products and services other than clothing as well, constituting $1+ billion of this total. There’s a significant and growing market for bariatric hospital beds, lift systems, custom furniture, household gadgets and personal care items, dating services, catalogs and websites, magazines, modeling agencies and more.

This groundbreaking report goes beyond the clothing market, examining the market’s development and $ size since 1995, currently, and forecast to 2020. Plus size demographics, market trends, market structure, and plus-size demographics (CDC data) included. Market segments covered in depth: clothing, household accessories, modeling agencies, dating services, bariatric hospital beds, lift systems, wheelchairs, books & videos, plus size magazines, websites, resource directories and guides. Includes competitor profiles of 14 plus size clothing retailers, 3 modeling agencies, 3 medical equipment producers, and bios of 22 plus size models. Also includes interviews with Plus Model Magazine and Amplestuff Catalog CEO.

Profiles of: Modcloth, Ashley Stewart, Lane Bryant, Catherine’s, Eloqui, Hot Topic, Torrid, Forever 21, Stryker, Hill-Rom, Size Wise, Wilhemina Models, Living XL, Jag Models, more.

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The Most Complete Analysis OF This Market Available: Offline and Online Services!

Report # FS8

$1,295 * February 2016  * 227 pages * 45 Tables  * 35  Competitor Profiles

This is the ONLY in-depth business analysis that covers ALL segments of this industry, since the market has no trade association performing market research.

This newly updated 7th edition Marketdata study is a fascinating analysis of one of the oldest professions—matchmaking.

This market is a now a $2.5 billion business in the U.S., with online dating services soaring in popularity since 2001 and representing 70% of the market’s value. The Internet has revolutionized this business and has brought affordable and convenient matchmaking to America’s 124 million singles, via, eHarmony, Plenty of Fish and other popular services. Mobile dating apps are exploding in number. Dating website revenues are expected to grow moderately this year as the U.S. market is saturated with 1,500+ dating websites and everyone is chasing the same traffic. Most dating sites don’t make a profit. Venture capital funding continues, as new start-ups still believe they can make it big.

The nation’s 1,600 Matchmakers and 400 Dating Coaches are posting moderate growth, but off-line chains and radio datelines continue to slide. Speed dating continues to be popular but it’s a tiny market. Phone chat lines are still around, with two large competitors dominating.  Online firms are still struggling to bridge the divide with lucrative off-line services, but it continues to be challenging.

Industry consolidation continues and had an IPO. The firm also bought Plenty of Fish for $575 million–the largest acquisition ever in this market. Several unscrupulous brick & mortar chains (Great Expectations, Together/The Right One) went out of business. Problems persist: fake online profiles, fraudulent traffic, database breaches (Ashley Madison), background checks, and privacy safeguards to protect personal information of users.

The study examines: market size/forecasts and segments from 1994 to 2020 Forecast. Separate in-depth chapters cover: Online Dating (Websites, apps), Independent Matchmakers, Dating Coaches, Radio Datelines, Phone Chat Lines, Singles Events, Speed Dating, and Franchises. Also: how dating services operate—typical models/revenues/fees/profits.  Includes detailed profiles of the top 10 matchmakers and 11 dating coaches in the U.S., singles demographics, factors affecting demand, latest Census data/national & state operating ratiosCompetitor profiles for:, eHarmony, Meetic, Tinder, It’s Just Lunch, Yahoo Personals, Plenty of Fish, Friendfinder Networks, Teligence, Quest Personals, The Matchmaking Institute, Spark Networks, Snap Interactive, Pre-Dating, Together/The Right One, Great Expectations, and more.

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