Dec. 4, 2018
Based on individual public company-provided guidance for expected full-year revenues, as of the end of the 3rd quarter of 2018, Marketdata estimates that commercial weight loss companies will post a strong 18% sales gain this year. The industry has not seen a sales gain this large in a long time.
This segment of the weight loss market is estimated by Marketdata to be worth $3.74 billion in 2018 when inflating the sales of the top 4 companies by 20% to account for all other smaller weight loss chains.
Here are the results: 2017 Sales 2018 Sales ($ millions)
Weight Watchers $1,307 $1,530
NutriSystem 697 693
Medifast 301 495
Jenny Craig 334 400
Combined total: $2,639 $3,118 (+18.1%)
It’s unlikely that the industry can post another gain of this magnitude in 2019, especially if the economy loses steam next year after a very long recovery, entering a mild recession.
Coming in January…Updated new edition of Marketdata’s best-seller: “The U.S. Weight Loss & Diet Control Market” (all 10 mkt. segments covered) Contact John LaRosa for custom research, teleconferences and consulting. Phone: 813-971-8080.