U.S. Health Coaching Market Worth $7.6 Billion – New Marketdata Study

January 19, 2024

Marketdata LLC, a leading independent market research publisher of “off-the-shelf” studies about service industries since 1979, has released a new 90-page study: The U.S. Health Coaching Market, January 2024. This is a complete analysis and forecast for health coaching services—the nature and structure of the profession, size of the market, key issues, trends, metrics and challenges.

“Nearly 46% of businesses already offer wellness programs, many of which employ health coaches. Coaches help facilitate behavior change, addressing nutrition, exercise, and managing a person’s chronic conditions.”, according to Research Director, John LaRosa.

Major Findings:

Market Value…  Marketdata estimates that the total U.S. health coaching market was worth $7.6 billion in 2023. The total market is forecast to reach $7.8 billion this year and grow by 4.4% per year thereafter, reaching $9.17 billion by 2028, with 140,000+ coaches active.

 There are an estimated 127,600 combined U.S. health coaches, health educators and community health workers, up 76% from 2010.  They have average yearly salaries/earnings of just under $60,000.

Weight loss coaching… Marketdata estimates that this sub-segment of the market is worth at least $424 million, with 56,000 coaches. However, the commercial weight loss companies have laid off at least 26,500 coaches since 2020, as demand for the popular GLP-1 obesity drugs has soared and taken revenues away from the diet companies, resulting in the closure of many retail weight loss centers.

Pandemic effects… 2020 was a mixed bag for this market, as the pandemic and recession resulted in some lay-offs of health coaches. However, most have pivoted to virtual meetings and telehealth, which enables coaches to reach more patients.

CPT billing codes… The major development for this market of late was the creation of Category 3 CPT billing codes for health coaching in 2020, providing legitimacy for the profession. Better Category 1 codes are coming within a few years, but more outcome data is needed.  Market growth should accelerate when this approval is given.

Mental health suffered during the pandemic, and health coaches frequently help people with depression, anxiety and other conditions.

Demographics… Most health coaches are female and yearly salaries range from $37,000 to $87,000, varying by state. The national average is $59,990.

Insurers are hiring more health coaches to deliver disease prevention programs to patients and at-risk communities, with special emphasis on diabetes and weight management, smoking cessation, and stress management.

Consumer Demand… According to some surveys, 60% of Americans want health coaching but 80% of them have never had it offered to them. Most coaching is provided by phone, but apps and online services are emerging too.

The field is unregulated and there are a confusing set of definitions and training/certification requirements related to health coaches, health & wellness coaches, health educators, and community health workers. This may be acting as a damper on growth in the direct-to-consumer market.

About The Report

 The U.S. Health Coaching Market, published in January 2024, is an independently researched “off-the-shelf” study.  The study is 90 pages in length and costs $995.  Available in pdf format. A free table of contents and sample are available by email Contact: Marketdata LLC, 7210 Wareham Drive, Tampa, FL  33647, (813-971-8080). John LaRosa is available for interviews.

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