Books by John LaRosa,  Marketdata President:


The Entrepreneur’s Little Book of Business Success Hacks- by John S. LaRosa

July 2018   56 pages   Pdf: $9.95   Report EB3    Sold via Marketdata website

John LaRosa, MBA, President of Marketdata LLC, a successful privately-owned market research firm for the past 40 years, has researched, tracked and analyzed many industries and markets, as an employee of four different corporations and as a self-employed analyst and consultant. He has learned a great deal about business over that time – what works and what does not. This book represents his accumulated business knowledge, collected in one place in an easy-to-read format, for the benefit of those just starting out in a new business and for those already in business that want to avoid the mistakes other have made. All meat, no fluff.

Today in 2018, we are truly living in the “golden age” of entrepreneurism. Never before have people worldwide had access to so many tools and technology and services at such low prices. This book’s 27 chapters get right down to business, covering the easy and quick but legitimate ways to incorporate a new business, bootstrapping and guerrilla marketing, how to get inexpensive legal help, set up a merchant credit card account, how to find low-cost excellent guides on dozens of businesses, the best business books to read, advice on choosing the right domain name for your website and making it visitor-friendly, doing search engine optimization, where to obtain good quality traffic, how and what tasks to outsource, using college interns, the importance of market research, time management, diversification of products & services and their distribution channels, finding free and low-cost government statistics and business information, business writing, preparing press releases, cultivating the media, using barter, using local small business development centers for consulting and training, the real deal with online training courses and systems, and more.

A must-read for any person starting a new business, or a checklist for those small businesses in their early days of operation.


Scam Nation: Fighting The $257+ Billion Epidemic of American Consumer Frauds & Cons – by John S. LaRosa

Print copy: $16.99   e-book: $6.95  Sold via and Marketdata website

Click below to listen to an interview with author, John LaRosa


Scam Nation reveals how con artists and scams have grown exponentially in America since 2000, due to the growth of the Internet and an economy that hasn’t produced enough good jobs. The book pulls back the curtain on the largest scams, how they work, and how consumers can avoid them. It also, for the first time, quantifies the staggering annual costto consumers – between $257 and $337 billion.

Americans are being scammed in record numbers—by phone, in person and online. And, the con artist is just as likely to live in Nigeria as in Kansas City. Scam Nation examines Medicare/Medicaid fraud, bogus tax returns, traveling gold buyers, Ponzi schemes, psychics, romance scams, car title and payday loans, identity theft, credit repair, worthless diet supplements, multilevel marketing, home improvement contractors, tech support scams, work-at-home jobs, fake charities, and more.

“The reader may think that there are other nations where frauds, scams and cons are more prevalent and ingrained into society than in the United States—such as Russia, Mexico or Nigeria, for example. This is not the case. Due to the number and types of scams, and the dollar magnitude of losses, America has become the true “scam nation”.


John LaRosa, MBA, is the President and Head Consultant of Marketdata LLC, a 38-year old market research publisher and consulting firm that has published more than 500 in-depth industry and market studies, focusing on service sectors. He has helped Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, investors and entrepreneurs with business plans, marketing plans, market potential studies and competitor analyses. Mr. LaRosa’s research is always unbiased and objective, and he has a strong desire to expose the unscrupulous. His research has been used and cited by all major media and Mr. LaRosa has appeared on FOX, ABC, CBS, CNN and BBC TV. He hosts frequent webinars and teleconferences and is a speaker at various trade associations.




                                       How-To Guides by Marketdata:

How To Start A Profitable Weight Loss Business – 199 pp. Guide – Aug. 2010  $89 (Report FS35)

Complete 199-page Guide for starting and running a SUCCESSFUL weight loss business, written by the President of Marketdata, John LaRosa, MBA, a 21-year consultant to and analyst of the U.S. diet market. Newly updated and expanded 2nd edition incl. mid-year 2010 mkt. update/forecasts plus 8 New interviews with successful weight loss franchisees/top managers/center owners/consultants/book authors. Covers: creating diet websites,diet books,diet centers,diet food delivery services,MLM reps,franchising,management,advertising,ad networks,affiliate programs,how to monetize website traffic,start-up costs/earnings,more. What works/fails,case studies. Simply the most complete guide and insider’s view ever written about succeeding in the weight loss business.

How To Get Into The Self-improvement Business, 82 pp., March 2015  $79 (Report Number: Selfguide)

This 80-page Guide provides a complete status report of the self-improvement market, it’s $ value and segments,plus in-depth discussions of steps/actions one must take to become an expert in this field. What products/services an SI guru must have. How to create a website,perform webinars & teleseminars,write a book,get speaking engagements,create a YouTube channel,set up a merchant credit card account. Steps to start out in personal coaching and motivational speaking. Estimated start-up costs by kind. Covers markets for: motivational speaking,personal coaching,self-improvement books & audiobooks,infomercials,holistic institutes,training organizations,online mastery courses,weight loss programs. The ONLY ‘how to” guide for starting a self-improvement business and career.

How To Set Up A Lucrative Medical Weight Loss Program, 230 pp June 2016 Price: $995 (Report FS56)

Complete “How To” Guide for launching & running a successful medical weight loss program. Suitable for investors, MDs, Physicians’ Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Dietitians, Hospitals & Clinics who want to add weight loss to their practice. Your don’t HAVE to buy a franchise for $150K – $400K–there IS a much less costly option. Includes admin. forms, contracts, advice by industry experts/consultants, referrals to ad agencies, IT consultants, etc. Topics: Reality Check for MDs, Success Criteria, Diet Market Outlook, Competition, Program Components, Pricing, ACA’s Preventative Care Benefit Opportunities, What Dieters Want, Franchises & Other Models, Start-up Costs, Retail Clinic Set-up & Layout, Procedures Manual, Staff Recruitment & Salaries, Operations, Revenues & Profits, Bookkeeping, Marketing Methods, Counselor’s Role & Quality, Case Studies of Successful Medical Weight Loss Chains, Creating Meal Plans, Private Labeling of Meal Replacements, Using Prescription Obesity Drugs, Using Supplements, Strategy of Diversification.

          Government Reports – $49 each

These reports have been found and curated by Marketdata and present analyses and information “as is”, published by various government agencies. No analysis by Marketdata has been added.

Report No. GR1 – Baby Boomers In The U.S. : 2012-2060 Projections

This 16-page Census Bureau report contains 13 tables & charts.  By 2029, when all of the baby boomers will be 65 years and over, more than 20 percent of the total U.S. population will be over the age of 65. Although the number of baby boomers will decline through mortality, this shift toward an increasingly older population is expected to endure. By 2056, the population 65 years and over is projected to become larger than the population under 18 years. This report examines changes in the U.S. population over the coming decades, with a focus on the baby boom cohort and its future role in shaping the demographic composition of the United States.

Report No. GR2 – Home-based Workers in the U.S. – 2010

This 32-page Census Bureau report contains 20 tables & charts, maps. The data used in this report primarily come from two different surveys administered by the U.S. Census Bureau. The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) is a nationally representative longitudinal survey of about 50,000 households. Since the mid-1990s, the Work Schedule Topical Module of SIPP has included questions specifically designed to estimate the number of people who work at home at least one full day during a typical workweek.1 One of the goals of this module is to capture work done at home instead of another location for employed respondents who are at least 15 years old. Extensive data by age, race, sex, income, education, region, industry, occupation, self-employed, schedule, top cities, more.

Report No. GR3 – The Next 4 Decades for Older People in the U.S. -2010-2050

This 16-page Census Bureau report contains 13 detailed tables & charts.  The purpose of this report is to present information on how the age structure of the overall population and the composition of the older population in terms of age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin are
expected to change over the next four decades. Between 2010 and 2050, the United
States is projected to experience rapid growth in its older population.2 In 2050,
the number of Americans aged 65 and older is projected to be 88.5 million,
more than double its projected population of 40.2 million in 2010. Projecting the size and
structure, in terms of age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, of the older population is important to public and private interests, both socially and economically

Report No. GR4 – A Security Guide for Business

This 20-page report by the FTC is a guide for businesses on how to control the access to data, setting up secure passwords and authentication, storing sensitive personal information securely and protecting it during transmission, segment your network and monitor who’s trying to get in and out, secure remote access to your network. apply sound security practices when developing new products, put procedures in place to keep your security current and address vulnerabilities that may arise, and  how to secure paper, physical media, and devices.

Report GR5 – Work-At-Home Businesses

This 12-page report by the FTC covers common work-at-home scams such as mystery shopping, multilevel marketing, envelope stuffing, rebate processing, medical billing, and assembly work. How to know if it’s a scam and where to report it.

Report GR6 – Identity Theft: A Recovery Plan

This 40-page FTC report covers what to do right away if you find that your identity has been stolen. Explains special types of ID theft (medical, child, tax identity). Detailed step by step guide and action plan, including sample letters to send, communicating with collection agencies, credit bureau annual report request form, your consumer rights, more.

Report GR7 -Weighing The Claims of Diet Products

This 15-page report by the Federal Trade Commission presents guidelines for evaluating weight loss claims by companies, covering dietary supplements, Acai berry, Ephedra, and other common remedies. Fake news sites, tainted products, where to complain, FDA rules and what to be wary of, ingredients in weight loss supplements, how to choose a sensible weight loss method,   Excellent consumer protection guide.

Report GR8 – Computer & Internet Use in the U.S. – 2015

This 10-page Census Bureau report contains 6 tables, charts and maps. Although more
American households today use a computer and the Internet, gaps persist for some groups. Thus, a digital divide between those who have and those who lack access to
computers and the Internet persists. In this report, we have reviewed key characteristics of computer and Internet use using data from the CPS and ACS. Both computer and Internet use have increased since the CPS began collecting data on computer use in the 1980s and
Internet use in the 1990s. Although computer and Internet use have grown overall, recent ACS data show important differences by demographic, social, and geographic characteristics. Households with a younger householder were more likely to own or use a desktop or laptop or handheld computer, as well as to have a broadband Internet subscription. Data by: no. of households, age, race, income, state, metro area.

Report GR9 – Income & Poverty in the U.S.

This is a 72-page 2016 Census Bureau report with 44 detailed tables & charts.  The U.S. Census Bureau collects data and publishes estimates on income and poverty in order to evaluate national economic trends as well as to understand their impact on the wellbeing
of households, families, and individuals. This report presents data on income and poverty in the United States based on information collected in the 2017 and earlier Current
Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC) conducted by the Census Bureau. Income & poverty data by: sex, age, race, nativity, residence, work experience, education, region, age of householder, median income, more.

Report GR10 – Occupations in Information Technology 

This 16-page Census Bureau report explores the history of IT occupations
between 1970 and 2014, focusing on the growth and evolution of IT occupations. The analysis includes estimates from the 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 censuses,
and the 2010 and 2014 American Community Surveys (ACS). Additionally, this report provides a detailed description of demographic and employment characteristics
of workers in the 12 IT occupations in 2014. The number of men and women in computer occupations, informally known as information technology (IT) occupations, rose from 450,000 in 1970 to 4.6 million in 2014. The increase of IT workers reflects
the growth in computer use at home and at the workplace since the introduction of the personal computer in the mid-1970s. Data about IT worker earnings, by age, jobs by type, women in IT, descriptions of the 12 major technology occupations.


A Dieting e-book:

The Common Cent$ Diet For The Busy Girl, by John LaRosa & Susan Burke March, RD  ($2.99)

       Simple Do-it-Yourself Weight Loss

Two leading weight loss experts, Susan Burke March, Registered Dietitian/Author/Consultant, and John LaRosa, a leading 22-year analyst of the weight loss market, have co-authored a new 115-page e-book entitled: The Common Cent$  Diet For The Busy Girl: Simple Do-it-Yourself Weight Loss.

Healthy weight-seekers can choose from hundreds of weight loss programs and products to choose from – each claiming to have “the secret” to easy and quick weight loss. Consumers have seen it all—from the most ridiculous fad diets to mail order pills and potions, to infomercials, to multi-level marking distributors–you name it.

The authors questioned why many of these weight loss programs are so complicated, cumbersome and expensive, and are not sustainable over the long term. Dieters know that, and have tried dozens of plans and diet books, each with their own twist on nutrition and sometimes improper balance of fat, protein and carbs.

It doesn’t have to be this way. How about a weight loss program that might otherwise cost hundreds of dollars, complete with website support, for $2.99?  There IS a simpler and less expensive “diet” plan or lifestyle one can choose, as revealed in The Common Cent$ Diet.

Frozen entrees have come a long way since the TV dinners of the 1960s, but not all are created equal in terms of nutrition and taste. The authors based this plan on “healthy” brands that are lower in sodium and calories, yet taste great. All can be prepared in 6 minutes or less, making this program perfect for working women.

The authors show you how to choose from popular healthy food brands, including: Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, Kashi, Amy’s, and more. This flexible plan includes a customizable fresh breakfast, plus lunch, dinner and snacks each day. You get your own exercise program as well—an important factor in healthy weight loss. The regular menu contains no more than 2000 mg of sodium/day and the lower-sodium plan limits it to 1500 mg/day – much lower than the government-recommended maximum of 2200 mg/day.

Recent research shows that 80% of dieters want to lose weight on their own. With no fees required of any kind – ever – this home-based, personalized, convenient and affordable  plan provides safe, nutritionally balanced weight loss. The plan can be used indefinitely, losing 1-2 pounds per week…without feeling deprived or depleting one’s pocketbook.

“Common sense, and common cents!  Yes, besides convenience, and portion control, a frozen entrée menu plan means easily budgeting your diet and having some left over for treats such as a new pair of running shoes or a spa visit.”, according to the authors.

The Common Cent$ Plan Has NO:

  • Counting daily points or calories
  • Purchasing expensive “diet foods”  or supplements
  • Traveling to a weight loss center for meetings
  • Registration fees or contracts
  • Ongoing weekly or monthly fees
  • Injections, prescription drugs, or diet pills.

Free Bonus With e-book Purchase:  Access to a supporting website :,  which includes:

  • helpful articles and videos
  • tips for online dieting
  • weight loss tools and calculators
  • the latest weight loss market and company news and diet surveys
  • daily weight loss blog by John LaRosa and Susan Burke March.

The e-book Includes useful information on:

  • Are you the typical dieter? Why our diets fail. How often we diet. What do dieters really want?…
  • The real cost of dieting: program types, commercial chains, medical programs, diet websites, health clubs, celebrity diet books, residential facilities….
  • Detailed Meal Plans: 14-day meal plan and low-sodium 14-day plan, snacking strategies using low-cal, low-sodium frozen microwave meals by Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, Kashi, more…
  • The problem with many diet programs: high pressure sales, misleading costs, poor counselors…
  • Do-it-yourself pitfalls/dangers: acai berry drinks, meal replacements, retail diet pills…
  • Making it work Why use frozen entrees: sodium, your BMI (body mass index), concept of The Common Cent$ Diet, snacks, budgeting, smart couponing, food labels/shopping guide…
  • Common Cent$ fitness: importance of exercise, how to get started, home exercise equipment, gyms and deals, great exercise videos…

 About The e-Book:    The Common Cent$ Diet For The Busy Girl: Simple Do-it-Yourself Weight Loss, published in October 2011, is an e-book that costs only $2.99 and is available for purchase in the Kindle format at

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